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RFP for Independent Auditor

The Lauderdale County Agriculture Center Authority, a public corporation, is requesting a proposal ("RFP") to perform the audit of their financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2019.

The accounting records are maintained on computerized accounting software. The Authority will provide all necessary supporting documentation for the selected CPA audit firm which will include but is not limited to financial statements, detailed general ledger, deposits, disbursements, etc. No Yellow Book or Single Audit is required. The audit firm should be familiar with Tax Revenue Bond Series.

The reply to this proposal should include the following: proposed fee for one year, reimbursable expenses, governmental auditing experience, an estimate of time required to complete the audit, and names of key members of the team who will be assigned to perform the field work and perform the final review. The selection of the auditor will be based on a combination of fees, experience, required time to complete the audit; and other criteria.

The audit must be completed before June 30, 2020 so the audit report can be submitted to the appropriate Agency.

Requests for additional information should be made to Randall L. Hunt, CPA at (256) 767-9808. Submit proposals by January 15, 2020 to Hunt & Associates, 401 E. Tombigbee Street, Florence, AL 35630, or by email to rlhuntcpa@bellsouth.net. The final decision is expected to be made by January 31, 2020.

Lauderdale County Agricultural Events Center

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